Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Biopsy Results

Connie received the results of her bone marrow biopsy this afternoon.

She had hoped they would find zero leukemic cells in her bone marrow and she would be in remission; unfortunately that was not the result.

When Connie was admitted to the hospital her bone marrow contained 40% leukemic cells, after one round of chemo she now has 20% leukemic cells. She will remain in the hospital and the doctors will start her on another round of chemo. The doctors said this happens in about 50% of patients. She will receive seven days of chemo then at day 14 (sometime around Sept. 7th) they will do another bone marrow biopsy in hopes the leukemic cells will be gone.

Of course this was very disappointing news to Connie and her family. Connie will need a little time to mentally adjust and prepare for the next round.

Because Connie’s immune system is already pretty much non-existent and the continuing chemo will only weaken it further, visitors are now limited to immediate family only.

Please continue to keep Connie in your prayers. She very much enjoys the cards and pictures, and there is still room on her walls.

As Connie says often, she is so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you Connie and for your next round of Chemo and recovery! Keep your spirits up and keep fighting! You are clearly, very loved! There are many people you don't even know who are praying for you:) Many blessings and strength to you and all of your loved ones....

    Michelle Pritchow
